Third-Party Risk Series
Todd Carroll, CISO & SVP Global Cyber Operations at CybelAngel

Guest Speaker:
Greg Rasner, SVP Third-Party Security at Truist Financial & Author

The first (20) to watch the webinars below will receive their own copy Greg Rasner's book, CYBERSECURITY & THIRD-PARTY RISK: THIRD PARTY THREAT HUNTING.

[Webinar] It's the Data Stupid: A Data-Centric Approach to Third-Party Risk
17 mins
Almost every organization works with third party vendors to help operate and scale, but that comes with risks. The larger the organization, the more complex the supply chain, with suppliers, distributors, and partners in the hundreds or thousands, increasing an organizations external attack surface.
Watch “It's the Data Stupid: A Data Centric Approach to Third-Party Risk” to uncover the risks that can occur from working with a third party and why it is important to increase your security through a data-centric approach.
In this on-demand webinar, you will learn about:
- Third-party relationships & the types you may work with
- A data-driven approach and understanding how your data is being used
- The quantitative value of third-party risk management to help assist with budget approval of implementing further cybersecurity toolsets
[Webinar] Hunting Down Third-Party Threats
23 mins
Regardless of how securely your data resides within your internal organization, you can be left exposed by your third-party business relationships. A third party is anyone in your supply chain that could have direct access to sensitive data that belongs to your organization. While you might have robust cybersecurity practices in place, there is no guarantee that others will be as careful with your data once it leaves your security perimeter.
Watch “Hunting Down Third-Party Threats” on demand to learn how your third-parties could put your company at risk and how to deploy effective third-party risk management strategies to prevent a data breach.
In this on-demand webinar, you will learn about:
- What third-party threat hunting is and how it relates to your security strategy
- Examples of data leaks across the industries, from supply chains to legal departments
- How adopting third party risk management can further help protect your organization against data breaches
[Webinar] Leaks and Breaches: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
17 mins
You may understand what data leaks and data breaches are for your organization, but what about when it comes to third parties? A data leak from a third party might not be your fault, but will still put your organization at risk. The time between detecting a leak and remediating it is crucial when preventing a data breach.
Watch “Leaks and Breaches - An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” on-demand to discover the best way to monitor third-party data leaks and learn how you can stop a data leak from becoming a data breach.
In this on-demand webinar, you will learn about:
- Data leaks vs. data breaches
- The window of opportunity from a data leak and how to be the first to find it before the bad actors can wreak havoc
- Ways to be proactive with third-party monitoring solutions for data loss protection