CybelAngel Global Cyber Investigations
The Race Against
External Threats in the
Automotive Supply Chain
Discover real examples of data leaks, vulnerable assets,
and exposed credentials leaving car companies
vulnerable to data breaches and ransomware.
Start Your Engines
Automobile manufacturers are riding the road of digital transformation, leaving them vulnerable to data leaks and ransomware. Manufacturers are reliant on increasingly complex supply chains resulting in valuable and confidential information being shared among hundreds of third parties outside of the client companies’ control. Their products, vehicles, are becoming more connected and thus vulnerable to digital and supply chain attacks.
Our analysts selected a sample of 14 leading automotive manufacturing companies around the world. They then applied CybelAngel Data Breach Prevention, Asset Discovery and Monitoring, and Account Takeover Prevention solutions to locate publicly accessible data leaks, vulnerable assets such as RDPs, and exposed credentials known to leave businesses vulnerable to data breaches, ransomware, and supply chain attacks.
Example Findings:

Our investigation confirmed that automotive companies today are facing unprecedented severe risk from external threats of multiple kinds.
Download our Whitepaper "The Race Against External Threats in the Automotive Supply Chain"