CybelAngel's API Threat Detection: Your Definitive Guide

Your clearcut guide to navigating external API threats.

Unlock the power of
CybelAngel’s API Threat Detection

External facing APIs are particularly at risk as a preferred attack vector for hackers. Understand how API threat detection can empower your organization to organizations to effectively manage your API ecosystem, ensure up-to-date API specifications, and structure APIs for optimal performance. 

Group 5 (2)

"The CybelAngel API Threat Detection solution has been a game-changer for our development and security teams. It's not just about identifying and securing shadow APIs; it is also about streamlining operational efficiency and fostering a culture of proactive security. The ability to monitor 24/7, detect and rectify issues before they escalate has saved us not only substantial financial resources but also time to focus on what really matters."

Thierry Auger
CISO at Lagardère Group

Learn Why CybelAngel’s API Threat Detection Solution is a Critical Chess Piece to Protect Your External Attack Surface

  • Low false-positive rate

  • Non-invasive scanning

  • On-demand human analysis

"In our daily work, CybelAngel helps us see the things that we can’t see. It gives us visibility to the things that are going on in the internet and helps us respond and react accordingly"

Erik Hart
Chief Information Security Officer,
Cushman & Wakefield
